Three Ways to Take a Break
Need a reset? Try these 3 types of mini-breaks!
Let me share a few simple ways I incorporate quick breaks into my day. The New York Times explains ways to schedule them with a click of a button on any device.
The Mindful Pause
This is the easiest yet often most forgotten tool. Throughout your day, about every hour, create 1-3 minute pauses where you consciously relax. That’s right, just consciously practice physically letting go. Set a timer if needed. Close your eyes, drop your shoulders, and take a few deep cleansing breaths. Scan your body for tension and breathe space into cramped areas.
(Extra points for laying down on the floor. Ahhhh…)
The Movement Snack
Our bodies crave motion, yet we confine them nearly every hour of every day in a chair (or couch). Intersperse your sitting periods with regular movement snacks to refresh your energy and concentration. The American Institute of Stress agrees that small movement breaks will improve your overall health and wellbeing.
Some ideas include:
Walking to get your own water/tea (take the long route)
3 minute dance party! Shake it out to your favorite tune
Squats while taking a work call (maybe on mute?)
Chair yoga! Do a seated twist & figure four-stretch.
30 seconds of jumping jacks
Try my “Work Well” section of my On Demand,, or filter videos by those less than 5 minutes.
Lean back in your chair and reach your arms overhead (like this lovely lady)
The Creative Burst
Tap into your inner child with brief playful breaks that stimulate your right brain. Doodle, color in an adult coloring book, knit, build a lego, mold Play-Doh sculptures...anything that feels imaginative and light. Just stay away from screens!
Many people know that taking breaks is important but not why. Samantha Artherhold, a professor at UW School of Medicine Department of Rehabilitation says, ““The goal of any sort of rest or break is it should feel relaxing. You should feel refreshed and better after the break than you did before.”The key with mini-breaks is to fully immerse yourself without judging or making to-do lists. Simply play and move intuitively. Give your brain space for renewal.
Of course, also try to prioritize longer breaks to unplug completely on a weekly or monthly basis. But sprinkling your day with these quickies can profoundly impact your happiness on and off "the cushion!"
Let me know ( if any other break-time ideas come to mind!