As a law school student in New York City, I suddenly stopped being able to breathe fully and easefully. That’s when I knew something in my life had to change.
How did you know?
Welcome! If you don’t already know me, let me tell you a little bit about what I do & why.
In my late twenties, I found myself “succeeding” by every metric that seemed to matter: I had just graduated from a top five law school, scored a great job, and I lived in New York City. But I was riddled with anxiety and uncertainty. Worse, I didn’t have a clue how to deal with it. How was this possible? How do we live in a world that creates goals and measures achievement without paying any mind (let alone lending any support) to emotional wellbeing?
My body was speaking to me clearly: I developed a respiratory problem during law school. Medication didn’t get me far. I soon realized I felt best when I was engaged in yoga—a practice I had begun ten years earlier, in my hometown of Mexico City.
Huh, I thought, maybe it’s time I explore that. I listened to a growing desire to learn what this practice of “yoga” actually entailed: where it came from, why it worked, and how the calm I experienced on my mat could expand to my life beyond.
Now, years (and thousands of hours of training) later, sharing these tools and practices with you is a privilege. Whether you’re looking to connect with your body, advance your practice, or you're simply intrigued, please join me. Beyond its physical dimension, I teach other elements (or limbs, as they are traditionally called) of yoga: breath, meditation, awareness, and more.
For many years I was a dedicated practitioner of vinyasa (flow-y yoga), but it wasn’t until I expanded my practice to include breath, meditation, and softer physical practices like restorative yoga that I felt a complete transformation take place. I believe deeply in the power of these practices, and am committed to making them available to everyone, regardless of age, condition, or location.
Technology has afforded me the opportunity to do just that: expand my offerings to maximize accessibility and tailor my teaching to your needs—physical, mental and logistical.
I look forward to teaching and learning with you.
With love,
Gaining skill to choose our attitude, to choose what we think, and to chose what we do, may be the greatest adventure we can take as a human being.
— Deborah Adele, Yamas & Niyamas
Yoga Alliance 500 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 500)
Yoga Alliance Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT)
Balanced Body University Movement Principles, Mat 1 & 2
Balanced Body University Reformer