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how does it work?


Innovate & Diversify

avoid stagnation, keep expanding.

Inclusive & Exclusive

videos for everyone, choose your form & level.


More Than Working Out

support more aspects of your daily life.

Curated Collections


Weekly live movement & mindfulness replays


Welcome TO wxw



Don’t miss a beat, or do it again (the second time around can be so illuminating). All-access and other live-replay members can unlock the full content. Others are welcome to rent individual classes if something piques your interest.


A 12-video playlist to show you the ropes. Explore different movement types, practices, and class-lengths to begin to get a sense of what this is all about and how it works for you.


This year’s highlights (sometimes inspiration really strikes) laid out for you to enjoy over and over again. From HIIT to Mindfulness to various levels of yoga, enjoy the best.


Move Well (re-patterning our bodies)

Bodies have habits, often borne out of tension & repetitive actions such as sitting. This 12-video collection provides a foundation of knowledge to build your awareness around your patterns and why it’s important to begin to change them.

Work Well (take a useful break)

Most of us will spend the majority of our lives working: let’s devote some energy to doing it better. This 12-video collection includes tutorials, posture tips , and short desk breaks to effectively revitalize the body (and mind).

meditation & Pranayama

This collection is the yin to move well’s yang. The body (and mind) need balance: fast & slow, active & quiet, general & specific. This 18-video collection teaches breath, meditation, & other restorative practices essential to our health and wellbeing.


PRENATAL: MOVEment, meditation & MORE


THERAPEUTIC MOVEMENT: healing piece x piece


Yoga: creative alignment-based vinyasa




YOGA: challenging, accessible & transformative

A varied and comprehensive library to help you navigate all that pregnancy brings. From tutorials to meditation, this curated video collection will be an asset to you at every stage of your pregnancy.


Sometimes we sleep wrong, or the stress of our life ends up living in our lower back for a month, but whatever the case, sometimes particular parts of our body need a little extra TLC. Please give it to them.


Sweaty, smart & fun movement to help you get out of your head and into your body and breath.


Make time to really learn. Dive into the foundations of movement, advance your practice, or learn something you didn’t realize you didn’t know.


Sometimes we need to flow, and sometimes the flow prevents us from pushing the boundaries of our understanding. With household props and a different rhythm, see what there is to uncover.


Functional Movement for mobility

Functional Movement is about learning to move your body with awareness, specificity, and intention. This collection is not geared toward teaching you yoga poses but instead focus on increasing your bodily awareness, reducing injury, improving mobility, and building strength by teaching you how to isolate specific actions and muscles. Sort by Level, Time, Equipment, Body Part & Focus.


MYOFACIAL RELEASE & SELF-massage: (foam) roll it out


Sweat Well: high intensity interval training



Massages took off globally for a reason: it’s profoundly healing. Rather than just paying someone to do it (you can do that, too, though) make some to learn how to do it yourself. No one knows what we need better than we do.


Cardio with care, attention and vigor. This playlist is based in high intensity interval exercises with a focus on alignment and breath. All are welcome but approach it with attention: push yourself, don’t force yourself.


This is advanced stuff. Not because it’s physically hard, but precisely because it’s physically subtle. It requires slowing down. It requires developing your capacity to deeply care for the state of your physical body. And yes, there are some advanced restorative poses to explore, too.


PILATES: FUNKy, fun & Fiery

Pilates that is creative, challenging, & holistic. Beyond feeling the burn, my classes are designed to get you to move well on your mat so that you move better off your mat: posture, stability & balance. And fun, always fun.


Back to the foundations of pilates and its principles.